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  • preparation and evaluation of biopesticide based on herbal compounds

    جزئیات بیشتر مقاله
    • تاریخ ارائه: 1400/06/06
    • تاریخ انتشار در تی پی بین: 1400/10/27
    • تعداد بازدید: 147
    • تعداد پرسش و پاسخ ها: 0
    • شماره تماس دبیرخانه رویداد: -

    preparation and evaluation of biopesticide based on herbal compounds

    due to the fact that chemical pesticides are very dangerous for human health and the environment, plant pesticides can be one of the alternatives to chemical pesticides. we prepared a botanical pesticide 10% based on azadirachtin indica and cinnamaldehyde comounds and evaluated its effect on two-spotted mite, which is one of the most common pests on farms and greenhouses. results became significant at the level of one percent. plant pesticides are less toxic than chemical pesticides, and this can be hopeful that by focusing more on plant formulations and providing environmentally friendly pesticides, the use of chemical pesticides and environmental pollution will be reduced.

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